Creating Balance Series

Creating Balance Series

Foundations of Balance

This is a foundational class to learn kinesiology.  Very practical skills are learned in this class. You will learn to test 14 different muscles, learn the meridian system and practical ways to use this tools.  This is a 2 day class.  It can also be taught in 4 half day sessions.  includes manual.

Deepening Balance

A 2 day class that expands and goes into more depth with the concepts taught in Foundations of Balance.

Creating Balance

Prerequisite: Foundations of Balance.  This class is so fun- you

will learn the balance format. It will help you take the balancing

skills you have learned and really make them efficient. You will be

able to use this balance format for ANY class you have taken and pull

all those old manuals off the shelf and start using the info you have

learned. This class is a 2 days (or 4 half days)

includes class manual.

Creating Balance Part 2 (Pre-Checks)

Prerequisite: Creating Balance.

This is designed to add more pre-checks to your balancing protocol. When teaching the Creating Balance class we wanted you to understand

the powerful principle of pre-checks without being overwhelmed with

tons of pre-checks so we had to pick and choose which pre-checks would

most appropriate to learn first. This was a difficult task and because

we didn’t teach some of our favorite pre-checks just so we didn’t

overwhelm you. So now that you have had some time to integrate this

pre-check idea, we want to offer you more of the pre-checks that we

feel are very valuable. We’ll schedule this sometime after October 5th

because I want you to have the opportunity to attend the two practices

and be current with the Balancing Format before we introduce more. I’ll

get the feel from how the practices go as to when the most appropriate

timing will be for this class.

In this class we will cover the following pre-checks:




Cranial Rhythms

This will be a one day or possibly a half day class.

An except about pre-checks from your Creating Balance Manual

I love pre-checks. Have you ever said, “I don’t understand why ______

isn’t working. (a specific situation, my health, my life, my . . . )”

Pre-checks help us answer that question. They help us understand where

we are resourceful and where we are not. They help us find the gap in

the experience. . .This is usually a key piece to the puzzle and often

correcting it is really simple. “Oh! That is all that is off!”

Notice! Notice! Notice! What pre-checks are easily available? Which

ones are difficult to access. By the end of the balance, you can point

out the differences before and after the balance and help the student

notice what is now easy to access!


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